I've made an Imperial. He is still in the sewere.

What's funny is that these days, if I can't come up with a reasonable backstory, I don't make the character. Here is the bare bones: defeated in battle. Prisoner. Slavery. Sold around the land. I'm skipping the prison bit, and assuming a slave sold to the Arena, HOWEVER I do not want to advance the quest line too much, as I would like to remain more anonymous.
What do you guys think is a good stopping point for the Arena Quest Line?
How useful is this Star of the West?
Three majors is the desired build, I will do four if it is legitimately justifiable. The majors need to be justified by the story.
I've got Blade so far.....
I think magic is out. I'm on the fence about that fact that everyone has a basic healing spell.
I will increase his strength a bit, though not much...
I feel like I should increase his endurance as he is a warrior class, however I do not want to go overboard; I'm basically looking for a glass-cannon-melee character with a three or four major restriction. Preferably three majors, so the character caps at level 20. With four majors, my character will cap at level 30.