I bought the GOTY edition several years ago, but never got round to playing it. I've been enjoying Skyrim on PC recently, and would like to explore more of the TES world and lore. The only thing holding me back is that it's on the PS3. The problems with Bethesda games on PS3 are well documented, and I unfortunately have first-hand experience of these issues with Fallout New Vegas.
I never got to complete New Vegas - it got to the point around 75hrs in where I could only play in 15 minute bursts before the framerate would crawl to a halt. Like, literally maybe a couple of frames a minute, let alone seconds :'( I even tried firing it up recently to install the latest patch, but my game save is still dead.
My question is: Is this likely to happen if I play Oblivion on PS3? As it is pretty much the same engine as F:NV & Skyrim (where the problems are apparently still happening) I guess it is.
Before someone suggests playing the PC version, I play both PC & PS3 games on my 42" hdtv with either the Dualshock or x360 pad, so mouse and keyboard isn't an option, and I've read that it's not possible to use the 360 controller on the PC version. Also, I svck playing games with keyboard and mouse
