If you need any help on learning the GECK feel free to contact me! Please, don't start "Rubber Stamping", my cells into the "DC waste". I'm proud of the fact that every cell in my mod is unique, I don't want to see them turned into generic fluff!
I've released most of my mods assets as modders resources, some textures have not ben released but, if your itching to use them, just ask! Most of them I can freely give out, some others, I can not.
Sorry if I've taken your comment wrong, I've had other people try to steal my efforts and, It wasn't fun. I will help you if your not a thief.

I have already sent you a private message explaining my full intention, sir, but for the public record I have not used any of your mod assets in my modding efforts up to this point and have no intention of doing so with your express consent.
I merely posed my original question because the last Bethseda mod editor I haved used in long while was Oblivion's, and I had grown rusty in using their mod engine format and wanted some help to familiarize myself with how to manipulate ingame objects.
As for my mod, it was my own creation. I was inspired by your efforts and wanted to make my own version that was somewhat less ambitious in scope, but I did not, will not, and will never intentionally plagiarize yours or anyone else's work, and if I do so unintentionally, I will remove the offending material as soon as I'm made aware and will do what I can to avoid such things in the future.
I hope this (and the PM I sent) explain my intentions to your satisfaction, sir.
P.S. As for the DC Interiors mod, I like the idea, but I wanted to make my own version using stock ingame assets only one that was somewhat less ambitious and didn't require an .esm file, and I wanted to know how to copy preexisting stock house cells (like the houses of the stock residents of Bigtown or Andale for example) as duplicates for use as a template for my own modding efforts.
Again, I never meant to rip off anyone else's work by thought or intention, and I only was inspired by a preexisting mod and want to make my own original take on the concept.