I'm not sure why you would want to do this, becuase everything you've listed is available right in the pipboy. This might answer your question http://geck.gamesas.com/index.php/Useful_Scripts#Terminals That shows you how to put formatted information onto the terminal screen. All you need to do now is script in the information that you want to be displayed on the terminal by passing references instead of string instances. But I haven't tried this yet so I don't know if the functions will accept references instead of string literals. Try it out and see.
EDIT: Well as I've just discovered if you edit one of the static terminals already available in the object window, it will give you access to all the terminals dialogue. I think you could use the GetActorValue condition function with an argument of whatever stat you want to read (agility, sneak skill, etc.). But I don't know how to pass this as a string to a topic's text for the terminal. Let me know if you figure that out (if its even possible)