i've encountered a small problem here, i got a object that i spawn using a place at me command via script
the problem is the object is facing the wrong way
is there a way to rotate it or is it not possible?
i tried the object.rotate x 180 but its not working
anyone what to see whats wrong with my code?
edit: i'm using setangle now instead but however it will only face one direction and that is south..
i'm trying to get it to face where my player is facing
since default its facing behind me i'm using 360 - the player direction to make it face the right way
correct me if i'm wrong
any help will be appreciated

scn StaticForceFieldModuleScriptShort ButtonShort MenuRef placedObjectfloat playerDirectionBegin OnActivate playerShowMessage StaticForceFieldModuleMessageSet playerDirection to (360-Player.GetAngle Z)Set Menu To 1EndBegin ScriptEffectStartIf Menu == 1 Set Button To getButtonPressed If Button == 0 set placedObject to Player.PlaceAtMe StaticForceFieldGenerator 1 placedObject.setangle Z playerDirection ElseIf Button == 1 ElseIf Button == 2 Activate endIfelse set placedObject to Player.PlaceAtMe StaticForceFieldGenerator 1 placedObject.setangle Z playerDirectionendIfEnd
the menu part is for when the item is not in player inventory
if allows player to activate the force field from within the world
the else part runs if the ingestible is used from inventory
both spawn a force field but i just won't rotate