Exactly how much is known so far? Is there some stockpile of info somewhere on a page that someones collected? Wikipedia doesen't have many details.
Also, I was wondering about another thing, if it is known.
Is there area largely just going to be Las Vegas? Or will there be a lot of so-called "countryside" to explore, like the desert?
I love to explore open places, but that said, an all-city Fallout could be interesting. Of course, the city would have to be really huge. I actually missed the feel of cities in Fallout 3. In Fallout, the first one, there were these big, not exactly thriving, cities, but they had quite a bit going on. Caravans, a gambling monopoly guy, all kinds of factions and things. In Fallout 3 Megaton was actually cool, and so was Rivet City, but Megaton was a bit small and Rivet City a bit enclosed.
I'd like to say that I'm not in anyway bashing any of the Fallout games, because both Fallout 1 and 3 are two of my favourite games ever. (Note: I'm still working on Fallout 2, so that's why I'm not including it yet.)
So, basically, what do you guys know, and what do you guys think about what I've said?