Getting Ultimate Edition Saturday

Post » Fri May 04, 2012 5:35 am

Anything I should do to prepare? Anything I should know about to optimize performance? I played through New Vegas when it launched and put in 80 hours. I didn't have any lag, but I did encounter some freezing. I'll be starting a new character, so i'll be going into the Ultimate Edition with a new save.

Should I delete my older saves? The game install has been deleted for over a year now. After I beat New I traded it in, so there was no reason to keep a 5 gig game install around. I'm not sure what the last patch I downloaded was, but should I delete whatever patch I have and do a fresh game install and patch update?

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maya papps
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 9:42 am

The game with patch it self automatically when you put disk 2 (DLC disk) in, unless you have all the patches, and yes, installing is a must with a game like NV, especilly with all DLC, even if you didn't have lag, loading screens will be alot faster (not to mention you want have to worry about breaking the disc in any way).
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Michelle Smith
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 3:43 pm

This is the PS3 forum right? The install is not's mandatory. The PS3 version is one disk as well...
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Leilene Nessel
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 5:51 am

Here are a few tips for fonv-ue ps3 that i use 1, Turn all 3 autosave option's off after installation to minimize data corruption.2. make sure you have 3-5gig of free hard drive space available.3. Use clean saves and save often plus delete older saves between sessions. There are to my knowledge a few places where lag occurs seriously slowing down frame rate that can make the game crash if you wait to see what happens. As soon as my game starts to lag i bring up the pip boy map and fast travel to the nearest location to where i am and save the quit back to the ps3 screen then launch the game again this usually solves the problem. The places i have encounted the lag are Nelis afb, Camp Mccaren where all the tents are and the brotherhood bunker. there are a few other places but these are the worst. Oh nearly forgot if the lag occurs inside a building save and reload if that does'nt work save quit then reload.
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Roy Harris
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 8:44 am

Thanks! Is it not safe to save in the Mojave? You mentioned that if it starts to lag, fast travel to the nearest location and then save...
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 5:45 am

About fast travelling to a nearby location as soon as it starts to lag i pull up the start menu and save where i am. Then pull up the pip boy and fast travel to the nearest location to see if the game has returned to normal if it has i go back to where i was if not. I first try to reload my last save to see if that sorts the issue, If not i quit the game then wait a couple of minutes deleting all but the last two saves then re-launch the game. It can be that the ps3 is overheating its not always the game. I have played Ultimate edition for 8 hours non stop with only small problems. But there are other occasions where i have only been able to play for half an hour before the game locks up. basically try to enjoy your game and if and when a problem occurs you have some info on what to try.
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Doniesha World
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 2:48 pm

Thanks for the tips. Have you been able to enjoy the DLC? Some people say that lag is really bad when entering the DLC.
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KIng James
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 7:11 am

If you ever get a bunch of saves, go to load > Then Delete all saves > Then save.

This is waht I do and I don't notice much freezing.
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Sarah Bishop
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 11:05 am

I've seen the comments about lag in old world blues & Honest hearts but i have not played the dlc's yet. Im busy trying to unlock all of the trophy's and do gra challenges. And uncover all locations. If i were going into a dlc i would make a back up save before entering the dlc area so if anything went wrong i could always go back to the main game.
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Jhenna lee Lizama
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 1:57 am

How's the lag for you in the regular game since you haven't done the DLC yet?
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Carlos Vazquez
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 6:15 am

How's the lag for you in the regular game since you haven't done the DLC yet?

I got unplayable lag early on in Honest Hearts. But the Save/fast travel -reload worked most times.

I get unplayable lag in Freeside and Vegas strips after long periods of play. Sometimes even inside casinos. Fast traveling usually fixes it.

If fast travel doesn't work, I quit out of the game and reload. If the game doesn't let me quit, I do a hard eject from PS3

Restarting PS3 , the last straw method, hasn't failed me yet.

I'm level 30 now, started with FONV saves and overwrote with FONVUE saves. Haven't tried the other DLC

I have noticed that I encounter almost all of the PS3 specific quest bugs listed in the Wiki. LIke the Boomer History kid, or the invisible wall in NCR station bugs. Thankfully reloading has worked/fixed for me every time.

I have also had at least 5-6 hard freezes but I've put in a lot of quests/hours on UE so basically it has been playable for me.

Honest Hearts was great, loved that DLC. Hopefully when I get to level 40 game keeps surviving.
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KIng James
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 12:03 pm

Thanks for the feedback. So when I start encountering lag, I should save then fast travel. If it's still lagging then reload, and if it is still lagging then quit out to the XMB and restart...correct?
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Nadia Nad
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 5:15 am

Thanks for the feedback. So when I start encountering lag, I should save then fast travel. If it's still lagging then reload, and if it is still lagging then quit out to the XMB and restart...correct?

That works for me, some people fast travel before saving. Saving all depends on whether or not you actually want to save progress. So if I did a quest, lag or not I like to save first. Especially if the quest is buggy and I got it to work.

Restoring your PS3 file system is a last resort, you should never have to do that for any game.
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Laura Hicks
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 2:28 am

If you don't save before fast traveling and it's still laggy, do you then still save and reload?
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CSar L
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 3:04 pm

Yes, last night I had to XMB quit a few times, Red Rock Drug lab was the laggy hotspot. Primm was also mad laggy. XMB worked most of the time. At one point I was so laggy I could not get XMB up fast enough.

Save file like 8100+ now which doesn't help
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Chris Jones
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 5:39 am

Should I get it?
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Shelby Huffman
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 3:10 am

I did, and I love it. But that's me. The content is so good I can tolerate restarting once in a while. For others, that might be too annoying
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