Here's my problem:
Playing on X360, already at level 50 and finishing Old World Blues. I need to talk or kill Dr. Mobius and then retrieve my brain. I chose to not kill Dr. Mobius and get my brain back, but when I'm talking to my brain I got stuck on an infinite loop with him saying to me about HELIOS One and Jason Bright (that man wich insisted he's a Ghoul). Here's a video of the glitch:
w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / w a t c h ? v = T _ G f 4 j 9 T w m w
Searching on the internet and looking on "The Vault", I found 2 things:
1 - the bug really exists and is "documented".
"When talking to your brain after defeating Mobius, you get stuck in an infinite loop of a conversation concerning pleasant memories about Helios One and Jason Bright (Quite the ironic bug considering the conversation you just had with Mobius!)." (h t t p : / / f a l l o u t . w i k i a . c o m / w i k i / O l d _ W o r l d _ B l u e s _ ( a d d - o n ) # B u g s )
2 - I'm not going to leave Big MT. :-\
"This is an endless speech loop that will occur when ever you choose the "compromise" option if you completed That Lucky Old Sun and Come Fly With Me. The only way to fix it is to load a different save and avoid that option when you speak to your brain."
Well, here's my problem: I already finished those quests about 100 / 120 hours ago. I can't restart my game because of one stupid glich, my save now have 240 hours. :-\
So, what can I do to solve this issue? Kill myself is not an option.

Thanks a lot!
PS: Bethesda, please, release a new TU fixing a lot of bugs.
PS2: This post may contain little spoilers.