Why cant this just be over?

Post » Fri May 04, 2012 11:13 am

in Canada i picked up my pre ordered copy of New Vegas on October 19th of 2008 i believe it was, and it is now April 7th of 2012 and i have never completed the game past "half way" you could call it if u fallow only the major story quest line. "why is that" one may ask? although i am deeply in love with the fallout franchize i have to say this game never should have been released the way it was. it is by FAR the most glitchy and unrefined video game i have purchesed.... ever. i do not come to post here to be rude, or to otherwise chastise and complain about the game..... but honestly, this is like.... what where you thinking releasing this? i understand that NUMERIOUS postees have ENDLESS lists of complaints brought up since 2008, but why i am here posting is i have replaced undamaged perfectly good copies 4 times in total, picked up a new system TWICE, and i still connot get the darn game to work. the mechanics of the game are flaud to the point in my specific case that you can only get so far in the game befor it just quite simply will not function desirebly. now i hope and pray that Obsidan reconsiders terminating patch updates for this game specifically, because im gunna be honest, you guys have a TONE of patchwork before i feel confident that Obsidean and Bethesda deserve the the good money i payed to enjoy your game.

Food for thought!


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Sophie Louise Edge
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 1:18 pm

OK...... Now intstead of ranting... can you tell us what problem or problems you are having so we might help you to enjoy the title..
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Lavender Brown
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 6:03 am

If I can add a problem that I've noted that seems to be going for quite a while; that would be the caps bug on the sink cpu. This was reported over a year ago, and is still bugged. As for other issues, with all due respect, I would suggest reading through this forum and seeing what some of the other reports are indicating. From what I see their have been a number of bugs reported almost a year ago that have gone un-answered. I would suggest taking the top ten and making them the priorities of the code team.

Just a friendly suggestion.
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