Getting Arcade Gannon's quest?

Post » Fri May 04, 2012 1:22 am

I was hoping someone could help me out with this. I've played New Vegas a lot, and I'm playing it for what will likely be the last time. Pretty much the only thing I haven't done is Arcade's companion quest, Ald Lang Syne.

I've checked the wiki on how to trigger it but it's not happening. I am idolised by the Followers, I had Arcade as a companion when I told House I'd wiped out the Brotherhood (don't know why that should trigger it but according to the wiki it does), and I had him for two of the little dialogs he initiates when we go somewhere and he has a memory, once in the Silver Rush, and once at the crashed vertibird site. He's also supposed to have one at the Repcon Test Site but we've run around all over there and he hasn't said a thing.

I think I may have done the important stuff either when he wasn't with me or I messed up his dialogs so I just don't have enough like points. Can anyone give me any advice? If you had trouble getting the quest was there something that finally triggered it?

Many thanks.
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Jack Moves
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 11:40 am

There are more things you can do to trigger his dialogue. The Repconn facility one is at the place with the tour not the place with the ghouls. You go inside and he says something about Repconn. If you have an INT of 7 you can ask him on how he knows all this stuff. You can also go to the place that has Caesar's tent and tell him you want to hear what Caesar has to say and leave.

I think you will automatically get it if you side with Yes Man.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 5:41 am

Edit: Double post! Hate you Razer Naga and your double click issue! :swear:
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Danielle Brown
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 6:42 am

If Arcade is hired and following you can use the console (~) as follows:

SetStage 157e60 10

This will set quest VMS54 to the stage where you can go gather the remnants.
Since it's FalloutNV.esm the quest ID will be a constant since that esm always loads first.

I tried it works like a charm.

If you are trying to complete the Steam Challenge, you don't want to use the console. You can write a one-off plugin with a script that triggers that. Just have the script confirm Arcade is hired, and checking he's not waiting is a good idea too. Then just run the SetStage once from your script:

If you wanted to use a runtime quest script it would look thus:

scn MyQuestScriptBegin GameMode  if ( VNPCFollowers.ArcadeHired ) && ( ArcadeRef.Waiting == 0 )	SetStage VMS54 10	StopQuest MyQuest  endifEnd

Just attach that script to MyQuest and make it start automatically.

I think it's important for all companions to be hired and never fired when their personal quests are started but not finished. That's why the conditional checks are a good idea. This thing just keeps checking every 5 seconds until the conditions are right, then it starts the quest and shuts itself off.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 9:15 am

I was hoping someone could help me out with this. I've played New Vegas a lot, and I'm playing it for what will likely be the last time. Pretty much the only thing I haven't done is Arcade's companion quest, Ald Lang Syne.

I've checked the wiki on how to trigger it but it's not happening. I am idolised by the Followers, I had Arcade as a companion when I told House I'd wiped out the Brotherhood (don't know why that should trigger it but according to the wiki it does), and I had him for two of the little dialogs he initiates when we go somewhere and he has a memory, once in the Silver Rush, and once at the crashed vertibird site. He's also supposed to have one at the Repcon Test Site but we've run around all over there and he hasn't said a thing.

I think I may have done the important stuff either when he wasn't with me or I messed up his dialogs so I just don't have enough like points. Can anyone give me any advice? If you had trouble getting the quest was there something that finally triggered it?

Many thanks.

The best way to get this quest to trigger (other than the tip by Drake) is to plan it.
Meaning pick up Arcade and plan every trigger..
The best are:
Helios One.. (agreeing)
White Wash sidequest (blame the whole thing on the scorpions)
Visit Caesar and use the let's just hear what he has to say dialogue.
Plus one or two of the memory triggers..

The quest will trigger eventually after visiting House, it doesn't have to trigger right away.. Just do some sidequests and he should trigger it.. (like Veronica )
Important if you trigger it, be sure his dialogue also triggers when recruiting the people who.. eh... need recruiting..
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