» Fri May 04, 2012 4:45 pm
Sniper character:
Desert Ranger Armor
Christine's Scilenced COS Sniper Rifle or Anti Materiel Rifle go quite well with this
Explosives/Big Guns
Remnants Power Armor
Minigun, Grenade Machine Gun, Missle Launcher, they all look great with this armor.
Energy Weapons
Gannon Family Power Armor
They were made for each other
Haven't done unarmed/melee yet, plan to soon
Ulysses Duster, 1st Recon Beret, and when I find a mod that let's me equip headgear with it, Ulysses Mask.
With 10 luck, light touch, finese, built to destroy, better criticals, Both ranks of Laser Comander, and atleast a few ranks of Comrader-E, with energy weapons, you get ALL the crits.