Our game is better because it actually has a plot.
True enough, but that's not the whole story...
Sure, the New Vegas story, from the faction politics of the Mojave, to the carefully interwoven DLC is fantastic. Seriously, I can't stress that enough. Skyrim could have done a similar thing with the civil war, making that the centrepiece of the game. But it didn't happen, instead we just got dragons to kill. And the fact that once you complete it, nothing actually changes, since dragons keep appearing.
However, a game is more than just a story, and this is where New Vegas also excels. Even with a limited story, people will still play it if its fun to play. Fallout 3 is still going strong even now. But the amazing thing with Skyrim, at least for me, is that with literally hundreds of different locations, weapons, NPCs, quests, misc items, they still managed to make the game repetitive. With all that variation packed into the game, its actually quite an achievement. Many quests consists of - talk to NPC, visit dungeon and kill/collect, return to NPC for reward. Though its lovely to look at (and listen to), Skyrim just struggles to keep the brain cells ticking over long enough.
I wish it weren't the case, since I really wanted to love Skyrim more. But what someone (I forget who exactly) posted here is true - oceans of content, but the water is only ankle deep. And its a shame.