Will the food/fighting room already have people in it? also, what foods on display?
Assuming i'm to be the first character into it, i'd like to give it the description it deserves
Assuming i'm to be the first character into it, i'd like to give it the description it deserves

Yes, Tsaesci will already be training, as well as passengers who have been on the boat longer than the current group. It'll be dark, lit by torches. the food on display will be exotic fruits, like starfruit and those horned melon things
( http://whatscookingamerica.net/Q-A/KiwanoHornedMelon2.jpg )
also there will be salted meats, but from animals you don't recognize. you're free to describe the taste however you want.
ALSO: for reference the boat itself is similar to a polynesian catamaran, though much larger, multileveled, and the lower levels are enclosed. The sails are large, gold and black. The framework and masts of the boat are not made from wood, but a bone-like material. The rest of it is wooden, though. I also feel I should mention. Due to Saresh being aboard, there are no stairs. Ramps will lead from one deck to another to accommodate his physiology.