I have played Arena to the extent that I got out of the opening dungeon - once - and I've played even less into Daggerfall.
Having re-downloaded both games from the Bethesda main site, and finally got them working on my laptop, I've been wanting to give them a look again, mainly Daggerfall since that's the one that gets all of the accolades. I am also better able to customize my controls to a much more comfortable gaming experience as well, so Daggerfall is what I want to check out mainly.
However, I am having a hard time even getting past the opening dungeon. I've done research on the wiki to know the different skills and stuff, and what type of build that I want to play, but I get rocked by the creatures in the opening dungeon. Mainly, the mundane weapon immune imp, and the 2 NPC enemies that take me out with weapons and such.
So - any tips for a Daggerfall newb on how I should approach the game, so I can actually get into it a little bit and see what all the hype is about? I'm not sure if I'm casting spells properly, or what kind of tactics I should use.