yeah it has lots of times.
the basic conclusion is that you need to move on and accept the game industry has moved on.
crap ...
the "industry" or better yet Bethesda hasn't moved on .. its all theyve been mostly doing for the past 10+ years .. First Person RPGs / ARPGS
they admitted it themselves to an extent by saying - theyre gonna do what they do best (and only thing they know)
i dont mind them for doing so but all this moving on business is just PR fluff
reality is simple
ITS BEEN __BOUGHT__ BY BETHESDA and its their legal right to mess with it in the only way they know
I think i would like a FO1 & 2 TC - if the conversion were total including combat (to the extent possible)
i'd love a FALLOUT 3 -TRUE FALLOUT Total Conversion - but that would allready imply a different story

oh well