I'm trying to set up 3 static 'marker images' (based upon the 'blankcanvas02.nif') sitting one on top of another afixed to a wall. I've set up a cylinder triggerzone around the images, which is only triggered when the player enters the zone. I want the associated script to then enable the first image and start a timer, then disable that image and enable the next, etc. When the last image is displayed for a short period of time, it will be disabled, the first enabled, and the sequence will run again until the player leaves the zone.
I know I could make the first image a parent of the triggerzone and 'set parent to opposite state'. (Basic idea of the 'Light Switch' tutorial.) But since I want to enable the second image after a period of time has elapsed and when I do so to disable the first image but not the triggerzone, I don't believe I can use the 'set parent to opposite state' feature to further link the images, but instead have to handle the enable/disable process in my script. (Will the triggerzone be disabled if the parent is disabled?)
The logic problem I am encountering is that the Wiki on 'Disable' says:
'Does not work on objects with a parent ref. You will have to use the function on the parent ref instead. Use GetParentRef to find the parent ref. There is currently no function to determine the "Enable State to Opposite of Parent" flag.'
I believe I need the GetParentRef function to identify the next image in the sequence, as the script is tied to the triggerzone base object and I am going to need to set this up for a number of locations. I'd rather avoid setting up the same basic script tied to each specific location if I can help it.
But how can I get around this problem with the disable function? Or do I need to refigure my approach?
I am using OBSE20, and do have a Quest Init database script (no blocks) holding cross-script variables. Oh, and this is my first Oblivion mod so I have to look up everything so please don't assume I know anything beyond the very basics.