I am curious why you say that. They are two completely different things. I can't imagine a situation where they would be mutually exclusive.
Nope, they are truly not mutually exclusive and I'll probably end up using both solutions. What I was trying to say there is, that I have a choice between a solution which uses
only GameMode scripts, or another which uses
only Persistent References. The question was, which one of these should I use to a greater extend in order not to create performance problems or massive save file bloating.
True, but beware of http://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php/Script_Processing.
Thank you for pointing this out. I don't think I could create unintentional heartbeating, but it definitely seems like something I will have to use at some point, since the remote containers and objects with OnUnequip and OnDrop blocks are of interest to me.
Thanks for the input and advices. I did some tests of my own to find out how bad the Persistent References are at bloating save files. From what I found out, it seems that a 100 Persistent References used the way I intend to manage to bloat the save file by 10kB. In the light of this I don't think players will have to worry about gargantuan save files caused by me. There will be more testing involved to make sure I did not make a mistake, but so far all seems safe for use.
If anyone has more to say about the impact of GameMode scripts and Persistent References on the game I am all ears and will gladly take any advice I can get from you wonderful people!