So, I managed to deliver a bad .ini file which gave night-eye powers to a lot of people that shouldn't have had them. I did the big no-no and made my night-eye effect an ability, so that when the user uninstalled the mod, the game thought the player had a night-eye bonus when they shouldn't have. This is because the game saved the night-eye bonus value with the game save, and restored it with my mod no longer active.
Now I've figured out how to manually clear the value, as well as by script.
I can also either manually clear out the effect just by doing a quick save and load save, or force a hidden object that has the night-eye effect to be added, equipped, unequipped, and then removed.
However, I ran into a weird scenario in which I managed to clear the NightEyeBonus value, but when I ran the auto add/remove item, nothing happened. And I'm still stuck with the night eye shader effect, or will be until I save and reload.
I'd really like to not have the player force themselves to do the save reload thing. Does anyone know any method of determining whether or not the night-eye shader is currently active or not?
Sorry this is so rambling, but I haven't had a lot of sleep.