I keep hearing praise about Oblivion and how it really is immersive, but when I tried it felt really dead and uninteresting world. I am considering after Skyrim to try it again, any tips to get me more involved, note I can play dead rpgs, like Might and Magic: Mandate of Heaven, but for Obilvion just couldn't get into it, I would love to try again, as I love lore of Skyrim.
The world is nothing like Skyrim, nor is the MQ. The guilds are really what made the game for me. Play the guilds and MQ while roleplaying and you'll find it very fun. If you enjoy mages you can craft some cool spells. Also, there are more spell effects (conjuration is very varied) and much more powerful spells that are sold/made.
Again, the world is NO Skyrim so you'll probably FT more, but the scenery is very fantastical; like what you'd see in a movie (you know, castles, shiny armor, theatrical voices, etc.). IMO, there are more memorable characters in OB, but this is completely my opinion. With SK, the Guild leaders I couldn't really care less about. I'm not going to ruin any guilds for you, but I just seemed to CARE more about some characters.
Lastly, the combat in SK is better and depending on your point of view, you may like classes, but I don't. I do, however, miss attributes like Speed.
Pros (OB):
Pretty world
Memorable Characters
Longer Guilds
Better Spells/Effects (SK's spells look better)
Only going to list the pros since I'm lazy.