Your first act as President of New Vegas?

Post » Fri May 04, 2012 4:34 pm

Free booze and hokers for everyone!! I'll surely be reelected! Then I would build out from new vegas until it's actually worthy of the name vegas.
Free booze and hokers for everyone!! I'll surely be reelected! Then I would build out from new vegas until it's actually worthy of the name vegas.
In that case, i would make you leader instead of me :D Reelected? hell, your not making a DEMOCRACY are you? pfuhh, well you should rather make a empire, else you will look like the NCR
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Kat Lehmann
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 1:14 pm

Im guessing you made deals with the Khans, and let the Fiends live right? You would make millions if you did.
Actually it'd either make him go into a deficit or just outright lose money. As president of a nation, would allowing drug addicted raiders to have cart blanche to kill, assault towns and violate women encourage or discourage travel and trade amongst towns. Killing off the Fiends encourages travel because the Fiends, if you break their backs, were actually a problem to New Vegas. However, through a speech check, you COULD convince the Khans to deal medicinal chems as well. So in this respect, yes, the Khans could thrive.
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Robert Jr
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 11:30 am

Actually it'd either make him go into a deficit or just outright lose money. As president of a nation, would allowing drug addicted raiders to have cart blanche to kill, assault towns and violate women encourage or discourage travel and trade amongst towns. Killing off the Fiends encourages travel because the Fiends, if you break their backs, were actually a problem to New Vegas. However, through a speech check, you COULD convince the Khans to deal medicinal chems as well. So in this respect, yes, the Khans could thrive.
And Vegas could thrive from the Khans. Anyways yeah that previous post was a joke.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 2:42 pm

Oh yeah, I did forget. Legalize chems. They pump money in the economy and promote addicts who want to get better to actually get better, free of persecution.
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Madeleine Rose Walsh
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 2:04 pm

I would fake my death and let vice president fisto take over and hit up the northern passage move utah with veronica and start a family :)
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JD bernal
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 4:52 pm

As the democratically elected governor of the state of New Vegas, I would make the following changes:

1.) Transfer control of Securitrons to the national government. All that firepower is utterly wasted on policing New Vegas. Put the robots on the front lines and get me some troopers to safeguard the streets until I can get a proper police system running.

2.) Knock down the gate separating Freeside from the Strip. In fact, knock down all the gates within the city.

3.) Clean up the rubble in the streets, then use personal reputation into getting the NCR to funnel some of the water from Lake Meade our way. Once we have the running water and the power from Helios, immigration into Freeside will boom to the point where the Kings are outvoted. Use my status as a Messiah to talk them into giving this situation a chance.

4.) Institute sin taxes on gambling and drinking, continue personally shooting every drug dealer I see. Use the tax money to subsidize non-gambling industry. We need factories to put people to work. We need maize to be made into fuel and broc flowers and xander root to be made into healing items. We need to get civilization back on its feet the way it is out west. We don't need addicts.

5.) Arrange for any plant-based experiments to happen on New Vegas soil, under my strict supervision.

6.) Look to the future. In the past several years the NCR bled for the freedom and prosperity of New Vegas. A generation from now it will be our turn. The people of Arizona are still in chains, and our children will be the ones to free them. Let's give them the best damn head start we can.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 4:45 pm

As the democratically elected governor of the state of New Vegas, I would make the following changes:

1.) Transfer control of Securitrons to the national government. All that firepower is utterly wasted on policing New Vegas. Put the robots on the front lines and get me some troopers to safeguard the streets until I can get a proper police system running.

2.) Knock down the gate separating Freeside from the Strip. In fact, knock down all the gates within the city.

3.) Clean up the rubble in the streets, then use personal reputation into getting the NCR to funnel some of the water from Lake Meade our way. Once we have the running water and the power from Helios, immigration into Freeside will boom to the point where the Kings are outvoted. Use my status as a Messiah to talk them into giving this situation a chance.

4.) Institute sin taxes on gambling and drinking, continue personally shooting every drug dealer I see. Use the tax money to subsidize non-gambling industry. We need factories to put people to work. We need maize to be made into fuel and broc flowers and xander root to be made into healing items. We need to get civilization back on its feet the way it is out west. We don't need addicts.

5.) Arrange for any plant-based experiments to happen on New Vegas soil, under my strict supervision.

6.) Look to the future. In the past several years the NCR bled for the freedom and prosperity of New Vegas. A generation from now it will be our turn. The people of Arizona are still in chains, and our children will be the ones to free them. Let's give them the best damn head start we can.
NCR bled? NCR bledddd!?? They did not bled, but the people that joined the army, for nothing but false hope. NCR wont last like the old world, but i agree, free the people of the east from their chains. If NCR is what u need to do that, then NCR you will use.
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Conor Byrne
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 7:54 pm

1. Create a council of elected officials from different settlements to discuss policy and law despite me having final say.

2. Grant NCR safe exit out of Mojave: they may be ineffectual but they are good and don't need any more bloodshed.

3. Set up different departments to deal with separate issues.

4. Ensure every settlement has some degree of protection with Securitrons patrolling roads to make sure they are safe too.

5. Create welfare system where people can help make clothes, food, ammunition and in return are guaranteed medicine, food, shelter and clothing as well as a small earning.

6. Create elimination and containment teams to remove/contain infestations of deadly creatures.

7. Fix the railroad to help with the transportation of goods/mail/people

8. Create education centres in large settlements to help citizens both young and old and to help teach people so there are more mechanics/doctors/scientists necessary for continued success.

9. Create judicial system with a courtroom, lawyers, judges, investigators and prison to help manage things.
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Lalla Vu
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 11:21 pm

To bring in the Enclave :bolt:
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Honey Suckle
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 11:17 am

I'd introduce the Mojave to communism.
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Alisia Lisha
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 12:36 pm

I would use the resources of the Strip ( especially the demi-god upgraded securitrons ) to re-establish the BoS presence in the Waste.

Then I would begin my slow, methodical search for surviving members of the Enclave. Their drawn out and very painful deaths would be broadcast live.

They shouldn't have killed my dog !

Nobody kills Dogmeat but me !
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