High Rock has long been a land of petty kingdoms and city-states, but it has in recent times (since the Miracle of Peace, 10th Frost Fall 3E417) been less chaotic. There is not a single central government: the kingdoms of Daggerfall and Wayrest are the greater ones, and Queen Elysana of Wayrest is a formidable ruler and a rival of Helseth of Morrowind.
Additionally to Daggerfall and Sentinel, the realms of Evermore and Camlorn have profited from the Miracle of Peace, making those four countries the most powerful human kingdoms in High Rock. King Gortwog and his Orsinium are also quite a power in High Rock and should not be underestimated.
The High Rock section of the http://www.imperial-library.info/pge3/highrock.shtml gives more detailed information on the past and current events of High Rock, and so does the chapter on http://www.imperial-library.info/pge3/orsinium.shtml.