Hope one of you clever sparks can help me with an essential mod i am making to 'weaken' all followers so that they are not over powered any more.
I play the game on the 'hard' difficulty and still the followers can virtually kick everyones asss and you can sit back and let them win the game for you - NOT ANYMORE!
i am pretty good at modding and using the GECK and i have had no problems 'nerfing' EDE and REX because they cannot pick up weapons laying around the world.
My problem is i want to restrict the humanoid follower characters to there unique default weapon loadouts.
I want to stop them automatically changing weapons.
Don't know if this can be done as i can't seem to find anything in the GECK that controls this AI routine?
The mod has improved my game immensely as i have playtested my changes with EDE and Rex and got the balance just right. I haven't made them useless but just drastically reduced there damage output and halved (aprox) there health. Now you have to help them in battle as they will become unconscious quite easily if outnumbered or fighting a tough opponent.
Obviously this mod is more suited to players who DON'T use 'hardcoe' mode (permanent follower death).
Anyone want to try out my' EDE Nerfed' mod can leave a request here and i will upload an attachment or send it to them.
Just a shame i can't do a mod for all followers since i need to work out the problem with there auto weapon change routine!