NEED HELP! Please - on my essential Nerf Followers Mod

Post » Fri May 04, 2012 8:37 pm

Hi fellow gamers and modders.
Hope one of you clever sparks can help me with an essential mod i am making to 'weaken' all followers so that they are not over powered any more.
I play the game on the 'hard' difficulty and still the followers can virtually kick everyones asss and you can sit back and let them win the game for you - NOT ANYMORE!
i am pretty good at modding and using the GECK and i have had no problems 'nerfing' EDE and REX because they cannot pick up weapons laying around the world.
My problem is i want to restrict the humanoid follower characters to there unique default weapon loadouts.
I want to stop them automatically changing weapons.
Don't know if this can be done as i can't seem to find anything in the GECK that controls this AI routine?


The mod has improved my game immensely as i have playtested my changes with EDE and Rex and got the balance just right. I haven't made them useless but just drastically reduced there damage output and halved (aprox) there health. Now you have to help them in battle as they will become unconscious quite easily if outnumbered or fighting a tough opponent.

Obviously this mod is more suited to players who DON'T use 'hardcoe' mode (permanent follower death).

Anyone want to try out my' EDE Nerfed' mod can leave a request here and i will upload an attachment or send it to them.

Just a shame i can't do a mod for all followers since i need to work out the problem with there auto weapon change routine!
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barbara belmonte
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 11:07 pm

You can use the no unequip flag on the followers weapon to prevent them from changing to another one.

SomeFollower.equipitem someitem 1
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ILy- Forver
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 12:39 pm

I had the exact same problem today, with a looting NPC. I just made a simple script:

scn MyNPCScriptshort iLockWeaponBEGIN OnLoad	set iLockWeapon to 0ENDBEGIN GameMode		if (iLockWeapon)	else		if (HasLoaded3D)			EquipItem WeapNV127mmPistol 1 1		;Replace 'WeapNV127mmPistol' with the actual weapon they have			set iLockWeapon to 1		endif	endif	END
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 8:07 pm

Thanks for the replies guys!

I will try out both methods and get back to you on which works the best.

Again - really appreciate you taking the time to help me out.
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Alisha Clarke
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 8:29 am

HELP!!! RickerHK or anyone with some scripting skill - Can you spare a few more minutes to show me how to integrate your script into an NPC script like the follower 'CASS' (script shown below)

I know hardly anything about scripting language and because Fallout NV followers all have there own scripts i will need to add your code to there script?

Is this easy to do?

If you can show me with cass's script shown below then i can apply your modifications to all the humanoid followers i wish to change by myself.

Appreciate any help or advice - would i also need to remove or change the last paragraph of code shown below to do with setting the combat style? (would conflict with your script i think)

I just want her to stick with her default ranged shotgun in this instance.

This is cass's script from the game (using the ctrl+c keyboard function to copy the code);

scn RoseofSharonCassidyScript
int Waiting
int CombatStyleMelee
int CombatStyleRanged
int IsFollowingDefault
int IsFollowingLong
int FollowerSwitchAggressive
begin OnDeath
if VNPCFollowers.bCassHired == 1
set VNPCFollowers.nCurrentFollowers to VNPCFollowers.nCurrentFollowers - 1;
if (VNPCFollowers.nCurrentFollowers == 0)
set VNPCFollowers.bPlayerHasFollower to 0
set VNPCFollowers.bCassHired to 0
set VNPCFollowers.bHumanoidInParty to 0
ShowMessage FollowerMessageDeadCass
player.RemovePerk WhiskeyRose
ShowMessage FollowerMessagePerkCassRemove
; If you're on Cass' companion quest, update the quest to fail
If getstage vCassCompanion >= 0
SetStage VCassCompanion 110
; If you've been tasked with killing Cass, update the quest
if GetObjectiveDisplayed VMS29a 40 == 1 && GetObjectiveCompleted VMS29a 40 == 0
SetObjectiveCompleted VMS29a 40 1
SetObjectiveDisplayed VMS29a 46 1
; If the player has not gone to see Alice McLafferty and asked where Cass is,
; hide that objective
if GetObjectiveDisplayed VMS29a 41 == 1 && GetObjectiveCompleted VMS29a 41 == 0
SetObjectiveDisplayed VMS29a 41 0
; VMS05 - player was sent by Alice McLafferty to negotation with Cass
if (GetObjectiveDisplayed VMS05 30) && (GetObjectiveCompleted VMS05 30 == 0)
SetObjectiveDisplayed VMS05 30 0
SetObjectiveDisplayed VMS05 36 1
set VNPCFollowers.bCassDead to 1
begin OnCombatEND
if GetPlayerTeammate == 1
restoreav perceptioncondition 100
restoreav endurancecondition 100
restoreav leftattackcondition 100
restoreav leftmobilitycondition 100
restoreav rightattackcondition 100
restoreav rightmobilitycondition 100
begin OnHit VFSJeanBaptisteCuttingREF
; If the player has the objective to bring Cass back to Jean-Baptiste, when he shoots
; her she disintegrates
if GetObjectiveDisplayed VMS29a 45 == 1 || GetObjectiveDisplayed VMS29a 36 == 1 && VFSJeanBaptisteCuttingREF.IsInCombat == 0
; Removing Cass from factions so she actually dies in non-hardcoe mode
RoseOfSharonCassidyREF.SetPlayerTeammate 0
; Kill Cass, and disintegrate her
CIOS LaserDisintegrationFXSpell
; Update quest
SetObjectiveCompleted VMS29a 36 1 ; In case player had Cass already
SetObjectiveCompleted VMS29a 45 1
; If the player tried to defend Cass, Jean-Baptiste attacks after killing Cass
if VMS29a.JeanBaptistePissed == 1
SetEnemy VanGraffFaction PlayerFaction
; Need to pause to let Cass disintegrate before JB talks to the player
set VFSSilverRushCassKillingTriggerREF.CassKilled to 1
;VFSJeanBaptisteCuttingREF.StartConversation player

;Script to make sure we set the right combat style on loading.
If (CombatStyleMelee == 1)
RoseofSharonCassidyREF.SetCombatStyle FollowersCombatStyleMelee;
RoseofSharonCassidyREF.SetCombatStyle FollowersCombatStyleRanged;
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