Naturally I am VERY impulsive and when I get an idea for something I jump to it without think of the consequences, until I've already begun said project or action. This to be honest is due to a multitude of psychological disorders I have been diagnosed with.
My point is, some questions on my behalf I need to ask.
This Argonian statue which I love the looks of, may not come to be released due to such issues. Yet, I will try my best to do so. The reason behind this is the fact the statue is mostly comprised of Resource meshes for Morrowind, Vanilla Morrowind meshes, and some meshes from other mods. As I will not be using any textures from any of them[I'll be making my own textures from Freeware sources that I am able to use], I'd like to point out, the meshes I used, I chopped up, reshaped much of them to fit the statues poses, and designs and some of the meshes I had to nearly remodel [meaning that I deleted so much that I rebuilt much of the model].
So my questions are: Why is chopping something up like that so bad? What are said consequences? And How exactly will said reactions be?
And I'd like to apologize. I am just starting to realize that a lot of modders don't like their stuff chopped up.
And the biggest question, is there a way to still get this released regardless of said issues. . .