On the 4th of November, 2011 I purchased Crysis 2. I created an account under the nickname of CZCharelz, added my limited edition code an began to play the game. Then, just maybe a month or two ago I tried to log into this account on gamesas.com and it didn't let me. I'm pretty sure it just gave me a classic login error. I was pretty confused so I attempted to create a new account under the same email address that I always use. And it worked, I successfully created a new account by the nickname of Charelz (the one I'm using at the moment) with my regular email. I found that confusing because I used the same email to create CZCharelz. I am able to log into the game using the nickname CZCharelz, but not the gamesas.com website. And you're probably thinking, "well who cares? Just play on your new account that's attached to your email." That is what I've been doing, but I'm bothered by the fact that the account CZCharelz is the account with my limited edition DLC on it, so I can't put it on my new account. I've tried attaching my game key and Limited Edition DLC code to my Origin library, and both of them went through fine. But I can't access the DLC on my new account. What should I do? Is there a way to transfer the DLC? I tried to recover the password for CZCharelz, but when the password reset link sends to my email, and I click it. It's all like "Are you sure you would like to confirm the password reset for the account 'Charelz'?" So this means CZCharelz is some lonely account not attached to any email address and it has my DLC on it. If any CryTek employees are reading this. I would love to speak with you and have this sorted out. Other then that, is there any basic account troubleshooting tips I can go over that might solve my problem?