Force Companions weaponsclothing

Post » Sat May 05, 2012 10:41 pm

Made this little mod as a request. It's part of my Remote Control Companions mod so it may be worht checking out too as it is recently updated to take advantage of the last NVSE update.

What this mod does is allow you to pick exactally which weapon and appareal items your companion will use. With it you can still use your companion as a pack mule and it doesn't matter what they carry in their inventory they will only equip what you specify with the lock gear selection.

Tired of the melee/ranged weapon selection most companions have that just doesn't work? Force a baseball bat on them and they will swing for the fences until you force another weapon.

This mod has nothing to do with making companion items playable. It simply equips the items you select using the no unequip flag, meaning they are forced to use that item and can't change. This is espically helpful when your companion loots a weapon from the ground that is better than the one you gave them. Normally they would change to the better weapon.

This means that even all those accessory items like jewelry, or hats can be equipped. Normally modders will add stats bounses to these items so that a companion will prefer it over another item, but with this there is no need to un-necessarilary boost your companions stats just to get them to equip some ear rings.

The mod is very simple to use, and should not conflict with any mods. Custom apparel and weapons are handled fine.

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