Anyone else kinda... "uhhmm... k?" about Lonesome Ro

Post » Sun May 06, 2012 11:02 pm

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Len swann
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Post » Sun May 06, 2012 10:29 pm

I'm still confused as to when my character did all this stuff he said. part of the reason I didn't like it was it added more questions then answers for me. It's kinda annoying when someone creates your past and doesn't tell you.
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Andrew Tarango
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 6:58 am

I'm still confused as to when my character did all this stuff he said. part of the reason I didn't like it was it added more questions then answers for me. It's kinda annoying when someone creates your past and doesn't tell you.
- Im with you on this one. Especially when said person speaks in riddles to seem more of an intellectual and someone with moral higher ground than you... And then you find out that the guy has been more or less what amounts to an absolute turd.
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 8:33 am

I'm still confused as to when my character did all this stuff he said.

When he or she delivered the package that destroyed the Divide you mean? In Honest Hearts Joshua Graham says that something happened at the Divide shortly before the First Battle of Hoover Dam, which was in 2277.
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Post » Sun May 06, 2012 10:24 pm

I'm still confused as to when my character did all this stuff he said. part of the reason I didn't like it was it added more questions then answers for me. It's kinda annoying when someone creates your past and doesn't tell you.
I totaly agree. How could my 21 year old Courier done all this? And beside that, I had zero emotional investment in something that should have been horrible. I should known people here, looked for buildings, remembered things. I dint!

Hell I could even bought a storie of me passing tru delivering a package, but he wouldnt stoped kept building his house of cards antul I got tired of gluing them in place.

I couldnt swallow the crap Ulysses where tossing at me, and I tried! This would have been epic IF they had done a FO3 start: this is who you are, this is your bakground. Hell FO1 and 2 as well.

If this had been defined from the start of F:NV, THEN when the [censored] hit the fan I would have cared. I would been invested. Now it was just another ruin and an idiot talking nonsense. And I LOVED the first parts of this dlc.
Even the ending, just not this attempt to retcon MY character, MINE! Imade him NOT Savyer! If Obsidian wont do anything to help build him, keep your dirty fingers away!

Actually it would have been better if Ulysses been mute.

Hmm, can I sue Obsidian for messing with my intellectual property? :deal:
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Post » Sun May 06, 2012 10:40 pm

I totaly agree. How could my 21 year old Courier done all this? And beside that, I had zero emotional investment in something that should have been horrible. I should known people here, looked for buildings, remembered things. I dint!

Hell I could even bought a storie of me passing tru delivering a package, but he wouldnt stoped kept building his house of cards antul I got tired of gluing them in place.

I couldnt swallow the crap Ulysses where tossing at me, and I tried! This would have been epic IF they had done a FO3 start: this is who you are, this is your bakground. Hell FO1 and 2 as well.

If this had been defined from the start of F:NV, THEN when the [censored] hit the fan I would have cared. I would been invested. Now it was just another ruin and an idiot talking nonsense. And I LOVED the first parts of this dlc.
Even the ending, just not this attempt to retcon MY character, MINE! Imade him NOT Savyer! If Obsidian wont do anything to help build him, keep your dirty fingers away!

Actually it would have been better if Ulysses been mute.

Hmm, can I sue Obsidian for messing with my intellectual property? :deal:

That's another reason I didn't like Ulysses on top of the droning on and on, I think.
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Laura Elizabeth
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 12:44 am

I agree, the whole climix which lets be honest was built up as the true ending to the courier's story yet it really wasn't all that good. As a stand alone DLC it would have been good but as a complete story arc it didn't make a lick of sense. I mean the divide has nothing to do with the Courier, apart from he delivered one package out of a million he delivered that year. What the hell was all that talk of "going home" meaning? Massively gutting because I've waited for the DLC for like three months. There was no background with the courier apart from Ulysses stalked us for a bit. Nothing was revealed about the courier other than he delivers messages and one of these messages out of a million through no fault of his own contained ED-E or something. There is no real conclusion or development and that really annoyed me, it was just another DLC and not the epic fight between two flags as we were promised.
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Post » Sun May 06, 2012 7:29 pm

The Long 15 is in NCR territory, the point of Ulysses' plan is to destroy one, which destroys the other. NCR without the Long 15 will die off when it's supplies are cut off, hence Ulysses comparing his plan not to killing NCR, but 'cutting the bear's throat.' As for the Legion, the Legion will not survive once NCR is washed away. When NCR crumbled, and the Legion on the shores of California, it would turn in on itself. So his plan would kill both, but if the Courier bombed Dry Wells as well, it'd be rapidly pushing be pushing both nations to their dooms. Ulysses is not mad, his plan makes some sense. So long as these two nations exist in the ashes of old world empires, a future cannot exist. We must find our own aims to believe in. It's why Ulysses is obsessed with you, a nation you helped build in time, you destroyed in minutes. The nation, The Divide, was a society that didnt need NCR, didn't need Legion, it was it's own society.
I'm a little late but thank you for saying that. Everyone thinks Ulysses is another Elijah and some kind of moron but he makes sense.
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Kevan Olson
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 6:43 am

I agree, the whole climix which lets be honest was built up as the true ending to the courier's story yet it really wasn't all that good. As a stand alone DLC it would have been good but as a complete story arc it didn't make a lick of sense. I mean the divide has nothing to do with the Courier, apart from he delivered one package out of a million he delivered that year. What the hell was all that talk of "going home" meaning? Massively gutting because I've waited for the DLC for like three months. There was no background with the courier apart from Ulysses stalked us for a bit. Nothing was revealed about the courier other than he delivers messages and one of these messages out of a million through no fault of his own contained ED-E or something. There is no real conclusion or development and that really annoyed me, it was just another DLC and not the epic fight between two flags as we were promised.
The story was actually more personal than that. The courier pretty much built the nation that Ulysses wanted to call home and then the courier's delivery destroyed Ulysses' potential home. The "going home" was that the Divide is the courier's home as the courier "breathed life" into it.
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Post » Sun May 06, 2012 7:33 pm

The story was actually more personal than that. The courier pretty much built the nation that Ulysses wanted to call home and then the courier's delivery destroyed Ulysses' potential home. The "going home" was that the Divide is the courier's home as the courier "breathed life" into it.

Not really, the courier literally has no idea about the place, he simply supplied them with goods. Ulysses was just mental and there was no proper personal grudge, literally the courier has no idea who he is and has never interacted with him. It's a bite like when celebs have stalkers or something, the celebrity is hardly going to consider it personal if they've never even heard/met the guy and the same here, The courier quite had no way to know that there were nukes underground let alone that his package was going to set them off. We never really are told how he built the place other than resupply them. It really wasn't as personal as it was built up to be.
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 7:07 am

Not really, the courier literally has no idea about the place, he simply supplied them with goods. Ulysses was just mental and there was no proper personal grudge, literally the courier has no idea who he is and has never interacted with him. It's a bite like when celebs have stalkers or something, the celebrity is hardly going to consider it personal if they've never even heard/met the guy and the same here, The courier quite had no way to know that there were nukes underground let alone that his package was going to set them off. We never really are told how he built the place other than resupply them. It really wasn't as personal as it was built up to be.
I agree that it's not the courier's problem whatever happened to Ulysses, but the courier had more involvement. I believe the story goes that the courier was the first from NCR territory to discover and find a path through the Divide. He didn't build the community from the ground-up or become mayor but he did more than just supply it.
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Maria Garcia
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 6:14 am

I agree that it's not the courier's problem whatever happened to Ulysses, but the courier had more involvement. I believe the story goes that the courier was the first from NCR territory to discover and find a path through the Divide. He didn't build the community from the ground-up or become mayor but he did more than just supply it.

That may be true, but just on a personal level I just wanted something directly linked to the couriers and not something which was random. Of course nobody has to agree with me but it really wasn't as personal as it was built up to be. Plus this only to me at the end of the DLC, whereby all the reference to us teaching him stuff. I guess the big problem was that it has been explicity built up as strictly personal with a huge history between Ulysses and the courier, not that Ulysses randomly stalked us and we have never had any interaction. Plus why NCR and the Legion or at least Mr House or anybody mention a thing about the Great Divide. Plus you know it seems that this is the complete close to the DLC. Yet we have no answer for why it was blown up and who done it. They knew that the majority of players have already finished the game and thus we were expecting major revelations and a proper conclusion. I guess the overall problem was that it was built up to massive proportions about personal grudges when in reality it's not like that. If they had hinted at Ulysses as a mad stalker then I wouldn't have any complaints but the fact that he was in the Big MT and all that as well as mentioned by Graham just made me want more.
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 7:14 am

The Long 15 is in NCR territory, the point of Ulysses' plan is to destroy one, which destroys the other. NCR without the Long 15 will die off when it's supplies are cut off, hence Ulysses comparing his plan not to killing NCR, but 'cutting the bear's throat.' As for the Legion, the Legion will not survive once NCR is washed away. When NCR crumbled, and the Legion on the shores of California, it would turn in on itself. So his plan would kill both, but if the Courier bombed Dry Wells as well, it'd be rapidly pushing be pushing both nations to their dooms. Ulysses is not mad, his plan makes some sense. So long as these two nations exist in the ashes of old world empires, a future cannot exist. We must find our own aims to believe in. It's why Ulysses is obsessed with you, a nation you helped build in time, you destroyed in minutes. The nation, The Divide, was a society that didnt need NCR, didn't need Legion, it was it's own society.

Except a huge flaw in that problem is that Vegas will change Caesar's Legion. And that having Legion tear itself apart will take hundreds of years, like the real Roman Empire. They'll die from hedonism, laziness, and the lack of a challenge like the real Roman Empire.
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 12:34 am

A lot of this DLC didn't make any sense. If Ulysses has lived in the Divide all this time why did I have to bring Ed-E closer so he could take it over? Why he didn't just go git it himself, since ED-E had what he wanted. It was weird that you find a new ED-E only to loose it through it's own sacrifice? The ending just made no sense. If I decide to nuke one or the other or both what does that do to the end of my current game? The NCR and Legion are still at the Dam. If your decision changes the ending of the game, in a way that what ever faction you have accepted or chosen will loose or win would make some sense. But as it stands nothing changes, so whats the deal? Then to top it off I gain 3 levels, the last choice of perks won't stack :banghead: . Reload last save, wash rinse repeat :facepalm:
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Post » Sun May 06, 2012 7:08 pm

Except a huge flaw in that problem is that Vegas will change Caesar's Legion. And that having Legion tear itself apart will take hundreds of years, like the real Roman Empire. They'll die from hedonism, laziness, and the lack of a challenge like the real Roman Empire.
-How about no. Caesars legion depends on gobbling up tribes, submitting them, turning them into recruits to get more land. If he stops after vegas, he will alienate his own indoctrinated officer-corps, his capital will be within artillery range of the NCR, His nations capital will be on the very outskirts of his realm with long traderoutes ect. It would make zero sense for Caesars legion to stop. If it stops, it dies. Only way to starve off the inevitable demise is by continuing its modus operandi... keep gobbling up tribes.

The "Real" roman empire didnt rely solely on brute force. It relied every bit as much on bribery, debauchery, politics, great infrastructure, pursueing technological advances in medicin, sanitation, construction ect, a firm and elaborate bureaucracy, "citizenships of rome" ect. Caesars legion lacks all of the above.

Caesars legion is a perversion of the Rome and Spartan societies... he gets all of their vices, and practically none of their virtues. Smaer poo on a stick and poke a centurion and he dies from infection and gangrene. No matter how much of a toughguy he is.... because the legion doesnt believe in medicin... or anti-biotics. Good luck getting alot of sons when your women risk death with every birth, hell the birthrates of the BoS must be higher even if they are inbred after 200 years of only socializing amongst themselves.

If caesars legion is to have a chance it has to have some radical leaps of reform. It could be done by breaking the kingdom in two, with the west roman empire crumbling and the east roman empire (byzantine) reforming and making a new Legion. As it stands now, Caesars legion is a colossus on clay feet. Im surprised the MWBoS hasnt wiped them out.
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