This girl is new, but definitely more interesting than a lot of them. Also seems blind (has left behind or missed several unique weapons), not sure though:
I've followed Ms Jenny's Cyrodiilic misadventure since their not-so-humble beginnings. It is indeed an excellent Oblivion Let's Play. My second favorite actually, bested only by Veriax's very different Let's Play. Jenny has quite the voice, a gift for gab, and a wit to match. Her videos are rather humorous. She imbues her avatar with quite a bit of ...ummm...character.
I don't know that I'd classify hers as a "blind" Let's Play, though you're right that she does sometimes seem to overlook the obvious. That could of course be intentional.
While watching her installments I sometimes think she doesn't much like the game, at least certain aspects of it, treating the game-world in a cavalier manner. That's normally a fatal flaw for me. Yet she handles it so well she transforms a potential deficit into a positive attribute.
If you read this Ms Jenny ... I know you sometimes visit this forum ... my hat's off to you. Well, it would be if I was wearing a hat. My teeth are out for you in any case.