Race: Argonian
Birthsign: The Lady
Spec: Magic
Attributes: Willpower, Personality
Restoration (will)
Illusion (pers)
Mysticism (will)
Hand-to-hand (spd)
Unarmored (spd)
Blunt Weapon (str)
Acrobatics (str)
Athletics (spd)
Speechcraft (pers)
Alchemy (int)
Any thoughts? At first I was unsure whether to have H2H or Blunt in my major skills. I plan to use Blunt a lot more for enhanted staves, however my life depends a lot more on being able to use H2H well. The character will be pacifist, killing only as a last resort. If my staves' charges are gone it's critical that I'm able to land a punch.
I realize the Lover would be a more practical birthsign in this case with increased agility and Lover's Kiss for paralyzing but I chose the Lady for roleplay purposes mostly. The Lover is sort of two-faced but the Lady, under the Warrior's charge is more direct and sincere. This is the kind of character I'll be playing.
Any other roleplay ideas or rules to implement? I've never played a character like this before.
- College of Restoration oath to heal others blah blah
- Kill only if it means life or death
- Brew & sell Restoration potions
- um