Yeah, well, I had to off Boone last night. I went far enough along the Legion quest line to finally, finally get The Lucky Shades (first time!), and when I got back to the Lucky 38, he told me he'd lost all respect for me, and we were done working together. He was holding some pretty juicy pieces of equipment of mine - fully repaired Ranger Combat Armor, Anti-Material Rifle, a bunch of incendiary .50 ammo, etc. I imagined asking him for it back, and him replying 'you can have my rifle back when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers' and obliged him. Arrogant b*****d. I'ma go with Victoria and Rex for a while. At least she didn't b***h about my blowing up the Brotherhood!
Is it possible to get the Lucky Shades and still recruit (or re-recruit) Boone?
I am currently "accepted" by CL and Boone is waiting for me back at the Lucky 38. All I've done for CL is turn in about 10 NCR dog tabs, pretend to destroy the bunker at Fortification Hill and taught one of them how to deactivate frag mines - I haven't killed Mr. House. Obviously, Boone was not a companion at the time (he was earlier, but, as I said, he's been waiting for me at the Lucky 38).
During the few quests I did for CL, I went to re-recruit Cass in order to finish her quest. Although Cass expressed her displeasure in me "working" for CL, she did agree to join me again. I haven't done much for CL since then (maybe turn in a dog tag or two, but that's it).
My understanding is that companions who do not like CL will give you one more chance if you work for CL, but will either leave or refuse to join you again if your reputation with them goes any higher.
I haven't asked Boone to join me since I asked him to go back to the Lucky 38. I know that if I were to talk to him now, he would express his dislike in me working for CL, and I would not be able to the Lucky Shades and re-recruit him because I would have had my "one chance".
So, having not spoken to Boone since I dismissed him, can I become "liked" by CL, get the Lucky Shades and then re-recruit him? If my reputation with CL gets too high while Boone is waiting back at the Lucky 38, can I then kill a few legionaries to lower my reputation with CL and then re-recruit Boone?