well, i figured out how to add a glow map for a texture in a mesh with nifskope.
(me figuring that out implies that it's not that difficult either

for applying the armor mesh i copied the branch associated with an armor part and pasted it to the specific body region
(let's say a pauldron to a clavicle node in the nifskope document tree)
can't remember exactly where
as i have said, the mesh was visible ingame, it even moved correctly (attack animations, walking animations, all that),
but despite showing up correctly on the mesh in nifskope, it was hovering above the creature. also, the death animation
would not cause it to just show up "above" the creature in the horizontal axis (so on the ground next to it) but still above
it in the air.
i didn't spend several hours testing (and i don't have the time right now to auto-didact myself through that), so i
thought i just asked, because there are many people around here working with that stuff in their mods (e.g. almalexia
replacer or the better bodies versions of golden saints, etc. etc.)
and, yes, when i look at the list of tools i downloaded for morrowind, i'm shocked as well