» Mon May 07, 2012 1:25 am
My characters usually buy their houses by selling potions. You can buy ingredients in each town, make your potions and sell them to buy more ingredients to make more potions to sell, then fast travel to the next town and doing that again. Making a circuit of all the towns and buying ingredients from all the vendors will give you a lot of golds rather rapidly. Picking your own ingredients is also an option but is more time consuming. Alchemy skills are raised very rapidly this way and you are soon able to create a potion using only a single ingredient and they are of a better quality. It is a system any new character can safely use to make a lot of golds fairly rapidly.
Other characters might want to bolster their armour and fighting skills by raiding Rockmilk Cave and the like, and selling the loot from dead bandits, necromancers, and marauders, etc. Making the circuit as each respawns gives an endless supply of loot while improving stats.
Or, you could do both. They both offer unlimited opportunity to make golds from public service. Some quests like the 'Black Bow Bandits' and 'Order of the Virtuous Blood' can raise your income by increasing the price for particular items when sold to the quest giver. Most quest are not that profitable monetarily speaking.