Could some older users tell if this same minor Morrowind boom happened when Oblivion was released in 2006? And was the discussion here much more active back then anyway? I'd guess the activity has generally decreased in here except when these new games come out...
In the run up to Oblivion various Morrowind forums were very very active , but i think many people weren't actually playing Morrowind, they were interested in TES games generally . The Silgrad Tower team abandoned their Morrowind mod , mid 2005 relaesing what they had done so far some 6 months before Oblivion , thereafter it was mostly discussing ideas for mods for Oblivion and making replicas of Morrowind assets for use in Oblivion over on their forums.Nevertheless there were still a lot of mods being made and a lot of activity around Morrowind
When Oblivion was released activity on the Morrowind forums dropped off enormously to next to next nothing initially , but started to recover because a lot of people didn't have pc's good enough to play Oblivion , also a lot of people returned having decided that Oblivion wasn't for them. Nevertheless Morrowind did have a strong following still but Oblivions was much larger.
In the yaers between Oblivion and Skyrim activity around Morrowind stayed fairly constant but was only a fraction of what it was prior to Oblivion, Old faces come and go regularly , new players regularly appear for various reasons , perhaps Skyrim has encouraged them to try Morrowind , maybe they bought a TES bundle off steam, ? Maybe they heard Morrowind was great game and decided to give it a try.
Before Oblivion there was only Morrowind forums for TES fans to congregate whereas today they are spread out over 3 games so activity on the Morrowind forums is tending to thin out a bit , When skyrim was released Morrowind forums again dropped off to just a few posts , but same as before, having given Skyrim a try a lot are coming back as well as new players entering the community for whatever reason , as well as lot of old faces returning home if only to see how far the game has advanced since they last played.
I think the Morrowind Sound and Graphics Overhaul mod did a lot to spark fresh interest in Morrowind , 62,000 downloads of the mod so far , surely an outstanding feat given Morrowind was already 9 years old when released,