If you are on console Xbox, your only solution is The Wizard's Tower DLC.
Wizard's Tower and a few other DLCs offered for Xbox were not given to PS3 players, sadly.
So am I to assue that no one that has ever faught with the mage's guild was smart enough to have these tools available to them? That's pretty convienent if you in the mages guild. Your enemies are at a significant disadvantage.
Even the enemies of the fighters guild are smart enough to use a weapon so the playing field is somewhat leveled.
I thought mages were supposed to be intelligent...
I would imagine it's easier to craft a weapon than it is to enchant it. All you need is a hearth and some tools to make a weapon, while enchanting takes more know-how. It's like the difference between making a book with paper and making a computer program.
I would also imagine it's easier to buy a spell for your spellbook than write it yourself. But it is kind of a mystery (flaw) that NOBODY out in the wilds of Cyrodiil has the tools to enchant or spellmake. Of all the necromancers and conjurers out there, you'd figure at least a few of the smarter ones would be able to figure out how to perform such actions.
But they're all "in the dark" about this technology apparently. Strange, since they obviously know how to create black soul gems.
If they
are able to enchant items (which would explain how enchanted items occasionally can be found in chests and on boss enemies at lower levels) their method of enchanting is a mystery, since there are no altars anywhere except in the AC or Wizard's Tower.
(EDIT" ACTUALLY Thomas has explained the reasoning for this up above)
But to the player (me and you, not the NPCs), if we consider that the Mage's Guild factions are supposed to have been unified by the Imperial Empire's influence, it makes sense that they now have some control and/or influence on how the MG is supposed to run.
In effect, enchantments which were available to any player in Morrowind days can now only be acquired by a legitimately practicing mage who's made his/ her way into the Acane Uni, and it is now "illegal?" to simply pay a mage to have an item enchanted.
This is because the Imperial Empire only wants this technology available to a select few (and only to a magic-user who is deemed "responsible"; a magic-user who has displayed responsibility by completing the Mage's Guild requirements), so they can maintain control. It's easier to "keep the peace" in such an environment.
Of course, as the player levels the game higher and higher, and NPC enemies start wearing armor and carrying weapons which are more advanced than the
Imperial Legions who are still dressed in simple armor, all of these theories make zero sense.
Bandits who previously could only fashion fur or armor are now wearing and carrying stuff that is way far advanced to their supposed lack of intelligence.