» Mon May 07, 2012 2:50 pm
Back on topic, ok :
Well to give this topic a serious responce I have to start by being caption ovious :
Oblivion is an open end game, and you deciede how you want to play, if you just want to run around without ever doing a mission, and enjoy that, well thats fine
Though it is clear that thats not how the game originally is designed.
Now your First question : is it possible to play oblivion without killing anyone/anything?
This very question is reason enough for debate, as you the first possible called this "a pacifist character" others also called liberalist a faction and many varations come in between.
Let I start with answering your pure statement is it possible :
Well if we go by the first rule of the game "You deside" than : yes.
However if you ment "is it possible to do the main-questline and/or most of the missions without killing anyone or anything" than the answer must clearly be no.
The vast mayority of missions, including many in the mainstory-arc require you killing someone or something, simple fact.
You should therefore not ask is it possible but "is it possible for me", and the answer on that question falls or stands with how much you long to complete missions.
To go forth on that, your next question was "Is it possible to play as a pacifist character"
well since paccifism is a litteral theory it is NOT free to play style (true you would be free to play any style you want.. but if you don't apply by the rules it would -technically- not be paccifism - even if you'd like to call it that.
: the belief that any violence, including war, is unjustifiable under any circumstances, and that all disputes should be settled by peaceful means.
? the refusal to participate in war or military service because of such a belief.
A TRUE pacifist would not do any of these quests that would require killing anyone or anything by ANY means. It does not matter if you let others do the killing for you, manipulate them to do so, and as a pacifist you are against violence ITSELF, not only your violence. If you WOULD charm anyone it would to PREVENT them to attack or kill anything or anyone, not to enforce it. So more this clearly would give the same answers..
NO you cannot play oblivion as a pacifist, if you want to do missions.
Yes you can play oblivion if you wish to ignore most of the missions.
True, if we stick to pacifism only, theft aint forbidden by it, however as moral as true pacifism is (you would not even fight to defent your own daughter being [censored] and killed, nor even push the rapist away, as pushing would be violence, nor would you call the police, as that would require you to cause violence (as the police would not do that violence had you not call them) to this extend.. we must ask ourself is theft a form of violence?
We surely can state that theft is a crime?
lets see how a crime is stated :
"a crime is an act against the rules a group of people see as normative within their mids"
and when we look up violence
"violence is an act that enforces your will against the will of somebody elses"
Now with this in mind.. do the people that you steal from want you to TAKE the item? no they want not.. you inforce YOUR will (the wish to have the item) upon them, even if this is used without them knowing it.
as such theft is violence, and forbidden for a pacifist.
And without the allowance to TAKE items.. as well as causing anny killing, well almost all missions are impossible.
so unless you want to live as a NPC, oblivion would be not playable.
So NO it is not possible to play as a pacifist, case closed.
However you also asked "is it possible to play as a Jesus-like character"
well lets see, Jesus DID enect violence, he certainly was no liberal nor was he a
He knocked down peope out of HIS temple, he cursed a three and it was dead the next day, and he sure would not care to kick some deamon ass! Heck he is GENERAL of the most epic battle to come!
also he broke into the house of the devil, tied him to his own chair and robbed his place blind!
so YES! very much possible to play as a Jesus-character! in many ways.
Deadra and undead are clearly creations of evil.. so may be killed.. a Jesus style char would not be to good for killing.
However the killing of any human would be a big no-no even if they were evil. (for let God judge them, after life)
Also the killing of creatures would be no problem at all as they are given to US to use as we need them!
Jesus (By decree of Gods His Father) does also hold the rights to all property on earth and only ALLOWS people to use them.. as such He can take whatever he likes, and only chooces to follow the rules.
He does however abide by the law most of the time, as God granted the law that power.
Now to widen out (these last rules are speculative)
If you use the Aedra as Gods... all races are good, exept the orcs and dunmer, as they serve the deadra that in this game are deamons.
however all LIFE was created by them.. so you could see them just as sinners... (and only the deadra monsters that ARE created by them evil)
you could also NEVER use deadric weapons tools and such, as those are made by evil.
But when you are upto a more biblical way : God (the real one) created only MAN, that is imperial, nord, redguard and NO others.
(bretons are mixbred of elves (that would be creations of darkness) and man.. and like the tribe in ancient israel that was born of human womans and deamons.. they must be destroyed too!)
so instead of being pacifist you would be a true crusader... killing EVERYTHING that's born of evil and of the wrong race..)
whether you go rampage of not would be how you see "God" and "evil".
any "jesus" character would only kill creations of darkness.. (and no creations of the light, not even if they walk the path of darkness) it's up to you who are creations of darkness and who is not.
a jesus path would be after all a whole lot more paladin, than priest;))
Next the LIBERAL path (that would be in between those two)
Well stealing would be a nono for a liberal, killing well that depends... you may no INNIATE violence, so killing somebody in his sleep would be a big nono..
however fighting off you somebody that attacks you and if neccecary kill him, sure go ahead!
you have the right in liberalism to DEFEND!
keep in mind that if they attack you because you walked into THEIR house.. that does not count.. as you were entering THEIR property and they have a right to defend too!
some quests would not be doable.. must most would be... so a Liberal character, that would not steal, not break and enter and not inniate violence, would very much be possble.
Some would be moral dilemma's though
-killing a man because he may have [censored] and killed some woman? defence is one thing.. but revenge? (inniation of DB)
-casting a spell that would turn off some tortches of noble priests and would cause them to be butcherd (true they were invaders of the home of somebody else... but still?)
fine line, but could be fun;)
and finally if you want to only ask :
is it possible to play character that is not liberal, not jesus like, not paccifist, but just does not kill itself.
well yes sure.. theres many ways in the game you can let others do the killing for you.. command humanoid, command creature, charm, reflect damage.. placing poiseness items near them so they might eat it..
luring them into a city so the guards will attack them
many many ways.. both dark and light..
it would not suit any of the groups listed by you, but it would suit most of the desires you'd had and a perfectly fine playstyle could be made out of it.