A Dream worth Fighting For.

Post » Wed Nov 25, 2009 2:49 am

A Dream worth Fighting For.
Chapter 1: America, A History.

"A Government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take everything you have? The course of history shows that as a government grows liberty decreases" The words that stopped America, the words that made people think about the Enclave, these were the words that lead to the return of true democracy, these were the words spoken by the two greatest patriots to ever walk the lush soils of America, Thomas Jefferson and Raymond Jillette.

It was in the year of 2673 that Raymond was born, and it was the year that the enclave had true a true unopposed rule over America, over the last few centuries The Enclave had been led by many presidents with such a warped perspective of the American dream, and what Americans wanted that they would kill all of the country to get it. After years of fighting both the Brotherhood of Steel and the Super Mutants, The Enclave finally rose to power, using their vast power and technology to shake the existing government of the wastelands, the NCR.

The NCR had taken control of the wastes through their massive numbers of towns and settlements in their ranks, soon they were not restricted to the West Coast, and soon they had encroached upon all America, many people saw the NCR as a group who had the ability and the morals to protect them, so they joined the NCR without restraint, and finally in the year that the NCR had taken hold of all of the wasteland, abolishing slavers and raiders, now focusing their power on abolishing the remaining super mutant threat, that a man came into power. Mr. Richardson, as he was known to his friends and the public, became the president of the NCR, after 4 years of serving, he told the NCR public of a group of warriors that would protect the NCR from anything they couldn't handle, men and women who came from a direct lineage of the original politicians and warriors who protected Pre-War America. The Enclave.

Many people were not happy with the decision to use the Enclave as a peacekeeping force throughout New America as it was known, but soon people realized that it was for the best, although it wasn't too long before the enclave had worked their way into every faucet of the NCR, soon the NCR was wiped from the face of the world as Enclave politicians came into power. After the NCR was renamed the Enclave and New America was recalled America by the president people started to accept their fate, now that total domination had been achieved, most of the enclaves radical ideas were not pointed at reclaiming America for the Enclave and were instead used to increase the comfort of the American people.

However all was not well, if there was ever the slightest whiff of a rebellion or uprising, The Enclave would use their 'Secret Police' group, a group who had arisen from the ashes of an old group of soldiers, this secret police group was known only as 'The Brotherhood of the Sword' or BotS.

After another Half-Century had passed, all of the Super Mutant threat had been wiped out, The BoS had mysteriously disappeared, coincidentally; the BotS came into being as they disappeared. The raiders and slavers of the waste had been abolished and anyone who did not like the system was banished to Mexico, where they would be eaten alive by rabid ghouls.

For years the people of the New Enclave had been living a life of harmony, a life of pure ignorant bliss, unaware of the Enclaves previous wrongdoings and their past, in the year 2673 a boy was born in a small town, his mother and his father believed him to become a smelter or a shop owner, little did they know that that one boy would change the face of the world, once again America would be shaken? He had a Dream worth Fighting for, A Dream he would die for?
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Enny Labinjo
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Post » Wed Nov 25, 2009 9:07 am

The story is intriguing although I'm not a terribly huge fan of the Enclave so I went with maybe. I would like to see a chapter one just to find out what the dream is. :D

EDIT: Just because I don't like the Enclave doesn't mean I don't like this idea. It's a good idea. I'm just hoping you move away from the Enclave.
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Matt Bee
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Post » Wed Nov 25, 2009 10:04 am

Its not focusing on the Encalve, its focusing on A guy who is fighting them, just FYI, there is no more BOS, NCR, SUper Mutants, its just the enclave and this guys little "Political Party"

So dont worry, and this is a very Inteligent Fan Fic, Almost no Fighting.

So after i get more Yes' then No' i will make Chapter 2, (his younger life)


If anyone can guess how i got the name

"Raymond Jillette"

You get two cookies...
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Gemma Flanagan
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Post » Wed Nov 25, 2009 11:23 am

Its not focusing on the Encalve, its focusing on A guy who is fighting them, just FYI, there is no more BOS, NCR, SUper Mutants, its just the enclave and this guys little "Political Party"

So dont worry, and this is a very Inteligent Fan Fic, Almost no Fighting.

So after i get more Yes' then No' i will make Chapter 2, (his younger life)

Ok sounds good then. I would change my vote to yes except it's a little late :facepalm: I say go for it. :goodjob:
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Jason Rice
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Post » Wed Nov 25, 2009 10:26 am

It souds like a good idea. I voted yes, (Obviously), so I think you should make Chapter 2.

The whole Enclave thing with NCR is intersting, I'm going to be keeping an eye on this.
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Richard Dixon
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Post » Wed Nov 25, 2009 12:56 pm

Interesting concept, Deadly Sin. I like the idea of not having alot of action everytime, but since your not having action everytime (Which is a good thing in this cae) you have to make the scenario's interesting. Make the scenario of one scene seem like there is alot of tension between the people (If it calls for it in the scenario) and things like that. You've taken on a task, that with little action and from what I'm guessing as more talk and political dealings (Correct me if I'm wrong on that) your going to have to make the story exciting enough with the speach and such, to keep the readers coming back for more.

Good idea, concept and story. Keep it up :) I hope to see more soon.
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Jenna Fields
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Post » Tue Nov 24, 2009 11:41 pm

this is a very Inteligent Fan Fic

i wouldnt see why there are better RPers than me

still blowing your own trumpet i see. what grade are you now?
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Post » Wed Nov 25, 2009 9:41 am

I dont try to vandalize your posts strive so why dont you just [censored] off
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Post » Wed Nov 25, 2009 7:02 am

Out of order strive leave it alone or go to PMs

Very good Idea DS, so am I right in thinking there would be alot of negotiations and talking instead of fighting???

P.S: Do you reckon D2D is worth completeing or not? im getting virtualy no feedback
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Laura Ellaby
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