» Mon May 07, 2012 8:10 pm
All computer software has bugs, finding and fixing them all is not feasible at all, even if you have the budget of NASA. NASA has a defect density of 0.004 bugs per thousand lines of code, each thousand costing $850,000. Everyone else has between 10 and 20 bugs per thousand, costing about $5,000 per thousand lines. A bug in a game causes no lives to be lost, no rockets to explode mid-launch, it sends no nuclear reactors into meltdown, so the quality assurance budget is sized accordingly; unless you're willing to pay $6000 for a computer game you can expect it to have some bugs.
Sure they knew about some bugs before Skyrim went gold, but given the enormous size of it they must have spent a fair bit of time, money and effort on QA. They did pretty well if you ask me.