Nah, the central gem of the AoK was always the stone of White-Gold. The line about Aka giving it to her out of his heartstrings is a poetic rendering of Perrif's god-tinkering - in taking White-Gold for her own, she was able to hijack Auriel and turn him into Aka.
I suppose I never looked back at it; the AoK was always an Ayleid artifact, it's just that Alessia's forces instigated a hostile takeover. Fun stuff, but lost in all that propaganda-plothole-business.
I guess that works. Makes sense... sounds so awfully mundane though

When you have ever looked at a model train set-[censored]-christmas-village and been fooled into thinking it was real?
Ah, but I doubt a lot of people (as in half or maybe a quarter of Nirn's population) even know the White-Gold Tower resembles the universe. Would be a bit hard to compare I imagine.
Anyone can make a tower, but you need energy from Aetherius to make a Tower and a Stone. Building a model of the Imperial City wouldn't do anything.
What if you were to put a Sigil Stone on top?
In any case, there should be more to the process than just building a model. It's not like the Dark Brotherhood can carry out assassinations by sticking pins in dolls.
That all depends I imagine. If enough people believe they can do that, they probably could.
Incidentally, I'm reminded of
Hehe, good thing they only have to create a model of the outside.
I herd you liked wheels
So I put a wheel in your wheel so you can creatia while you creatia
Basically, yes.
In a way, it's already been done (but differently).
A model of the (model of the?) wheel / the council / representatives of the different lands / cultures (/ gods?), convened to battle / to discuss the fate of the empire / the continent, at that exact place.
Hmm, now there's something to consider.
The Council's power is not exactly mythic, though. Couldn't have a civil war if it were (unless maybe one of the Councillors is in league with the rebellion).