Yacoby used to have a website up with several of his mods and a huge list of all vampire and werewolf related mods along with a load order that ensured compatibility, but sadly it's no longer up. I've been using Mlox for my loader order and it seems to work well.
Yes, it's a shame that the Silgrad Tower site seems to have gone and the suvbsites (like Yacoby's) with it. Anyway, mlox duplicates the load ordering rules that Yacoby had up on his website. I added some variations as there was only one option from AlienSlof & Peter's "Scent of Blood" in Yacoby's list. So, yeah http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1167004-relz-mlox-a-tool-for-anolyzing-and-sorting-your-load-order/.
The one thing I found in the rules was blade9722's http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=4935, for running Cortex's "Vampire Werewolf" and Sabregirl's "Werewolf Realism" mods together.
There's load order rules in mlox for those three but I'm not sure about how they relate to the various Vampire mods
[Edit: and based on your post above (which appeared whilst the Forum was having a moment) you already have blade9722's patch. I'd still recommend mlox though
