In Skyrim I'm playing an agent of the argonian court, so I was thinking. Do we know anything about the situation in Argonia and Morrowind, the relations between the dunmer and argonians or anything about the black marsh governement? Secondly, which side would Argonia support, the empire or stormcloaks if any at all? And in the main quest we have to choose between the greybeards and the blades, who would the agent support?
The argonians have invaded Morrowind near 200 years ago, what the current state of the occuption or the war (if any) is, is completely unknown. It seems like the Argonians still occupy part of Southern Morrowind, most likely former Dres territory. The Black Marsh government is still the same as it has always been. I don't know which side they would support. They themselves moved out of the Empire, so the Argonian government likely isn't to big a fan of them, outright hatred or hostitilies don't seem to be present either. From an ideological perspective it might be logical that they would think the Stormcloacks have the right to support themselves, from the perspective of their own citizens however the Empire would likely be more beneficial as possibly racists Nords aren't a good thing for the Argonians. Now the first wouldn't require sending an agent into Skyrim, the second however just might.... This is of course speculation as we simply don't know.
They likely wouldn't choose a side between the greybeards and the blades either, they have no reason to do anything like that.