anyways- wear rags and you will get the tags
"poor" "commoner" and are more susceptible to getting "weak"
What the poor tag will do is..
-Merchants,guards and the rich will look down their noses at you.
-Thieves and such will leave you alone. Beggars will not beg from you
- you are less likely to recieve warrior/mage work from npcs.. but more theft.
If you were to wear exquisite apparel then instead you would get
"Wealthy" "Commoner"
- merchants, guards and the rich would look favourable on you
- you would be the favourite target of theives and beggars
- Npcs will not offer you much work
If you were wearing exquisite armour then you would get
- wealthy
- warrior (more mercenary type work)
- tough (low level enemies and criminals might avoid you with some fear)
there would be a whole load of options based on clothes, tattoos, scars, weapon, face, cleanliness, war paint,hair and attributes
Wealthy, middle classed, poor
Commoner , soldier, warrior, magic user,mage, rouge , in faction (but wearing the items of many different factions can cancel them out) rank in faction
Strong, weak
Friendly, unfriendly
Lawful, unlawful
Well recognisable, unrecognisable
these would be fairly numerical. For instance if you wore "dark brotherhood bracers" then you might get suscpicion from the guards. if you wore the full set they might attack you or jail you.. but the full body coverage of the outfit would prevent even your best friends from recognising you and thus no long term bounty would be given. Wearing full imperial armour might make people think you are part of the legion and a soldier but wearing parts of the armour with enough other armours would remove some of this effect and paint you as a mercenary.
Having high personality reduces some of the negative effects a person sees with you but increases the positives (the game changes dynamically to what you want to do with unfriendly and friendliness) and being good friends with someone helps them ignore what you wear's less favourable effects.
After that.. give me layers back? Along with armour that doesn't change shape to gender and give me Greaves! (and skirts, and clothes that go over armour.. and second rings!!) Enchanting can be easily balanced no matter how many options you have. (for example- not letting certain effects stack or stack at the normal magnitude, use points as well as percentages, multiple effects deducting from eachother, boost attributes rather than skills etc)