» Mon May 07, 2012 9:20 pm
They're already colony animals, the differences between each creature are nearly negligable. I'd imagine one of them acts as a magicka resevoir while the other channels, so probably the exact relationship is a kind of symbiosis and blending of thought.
Anyways, I'd imagine that Kwama eggs produce pure scribs and depending on either how/where they're cultivated or on some chemical signal based on the needs of the colony, the scrib differentiates into a worker or forager. Drawing assumptions from bees, the warriors are probably the fertile males and when the colony needs it, a warrior will engorge himself on magick and switch gender to become a queen. They'll take part of the colony off to create a new colony and the queen enters her egg-laying phase.
To simplify: the kwama are pyramid-scheme colony animals where any scrib can grow up to be a queen, but only if all the levels above him are clear.