Next Elder Scrolls Game Design Request

Post » Mon May 07, 2012 1:22 pm

Bethesda as you begin work on your next project and I am sure that some of it has already begun know that I and many others await it eagerly but have a request. PLEASE design the PC version for the PC specifically.

What I mean is this, the current version, a great game that I really enjoy, is obviously a port over from the console design. Now I understand the reasoning for this and appreciate the position of why this was done. However from a PC gamer perspective this was, for lacking of a better word, dumbing down the features of the game on the PC so they fit on the consoles. As a PC gamer this is frustrating. We have hardware that can give more options, we have a completely different control system and can handle much heavier work loads.

Our hope is that instead of dumbing down the PC version to allow a direct console port we could instead see the base game design done on the PC and them dumb down the consoles to allow them to work. Yes we know that this would result in the console game and PC gaming being different in the way it looks and functionality but that is the choice of the consumer. PC gamers paid the extra for the gaming PC to get those extra features and options and to have them taken from us by developers because console gamers get upset is wrong. Console gamers made their choice and should have to live with the limitations of that choice. If they want the PC gamin g experience then buy a PC but do not force the console experience on PC gamers.

Now this is NOT a rant against Bethesda, they are an awesome crew and I love the work they have done. Nor is this a strike against Skyrim, seriously one the best games I have EVER played. This is however a request for the future plans and Skyrim is pointing the way. I mean think how awesome Skyrim would be if it supported the option for using 4 threads or even more if the chip supported it. How about not having any memory limit and making use of all that a PC had available? How about some of the DX10 or even DX11 feature sets? Imagine GPU computing to handle the physics model or even allow for ultra high texture compression like Civ V did. Lets not forget an interface that is natural to the mouse and keyboard. Oh and finally a system that put the saved games and screen shots in the My Games folder instead of creating yet another one for us to look for or using two separate locations.

Again let me say this is NOT a rant against Bethesda and the team there, your work is awesome. however I do feel we of the PC gaming community would step up even more in support of Bethesda is they showed a direct support to us and gave us the next game with the PC version obviously designed for the PC.
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Christie Mitchell
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 7:22 pm

I believe Bethesda is working on their next game for next-gen consoles. So even a port would look great on PC.
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Lauren Graves
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 3:49 am

Its not just about looks but also performance. PC tend to have more raw horsepower and it seems a shame to not make use of it. Now I am not talking about a game that needs a $300 PC to run, what I am saying is build the engine to scale up with what the PC offers.
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Emilie M
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