What the hell makes you think that it's "console kids" that make up a disproportionate demographic wanting multiplayer? The same percentage of people that want multiplayer TES on Xbox360 is equal to the percentage or less than that that plays on STEAM.
Slow your roll there, Captain Overboard.... this is my opinion. Are you saying I can't have one?
I've seen more posts in this board made by console users who've been asking for multiplayer, than I've seen from PC users. But unlike you, I'm not going to give out percentages without viable proof to back my claims on this.
The fact is that XBox Live has generated a mindset that playing offline is somehow taboo, and that if a game doesn't allow you to connect and play with friends is lame and not worth their time. So says my kids and all their friends who's not interested in playing Skyrim on their Xbox. and that's all the proof I need.
You're right in pointing out that I was perhaps too harsh with "console kids" as my choice in words. But I believe (again, my opinion) it's true that the console "users" are the most active in the vocal minority of those who wants future ES titles with online capability.