I will take a look this weekend at the issues you found, thanks! I will also try to get OMOBS_DLC done soon so we can release it at the same time as the 2.1 versions.
In the meantime, here are some quick thoughts on what you found:
These Enchanted Arrows had vanilla stats - corrected stats has needed across MOBS and OMOBS plugins
0003BF67 EncArrow2SteelFrenzyArea
000CD53F EncArrow3SilverFireArea
0003CB6C EncArrow3SilverWithering
000CD540 EncArrow4DwarvenFrostArea
000CD545 EncArrow5ElvenFrostArea
000CD541 EncArrow5ElvenShockArea
000CD542 EncArrow6GlassFireArea
000CD543 EncArrow7EbonyShockArea
000CD544 EncArrow8DaedricSilenceArea
I might need to take a look at these before release...in the original MOBS, most Area arrows appear to have a -8 modifier to damage, versus their non-Area counterparts. This is similar to how, in Vanilla, most Area arrows have a -5 modifier to damage. I tried to preserve this in MOBS 2 and OMOBS 2.
Corrected Weapons to point to correct Vanilla Model when 1) used has standalone 2) if OOO resources where not installed caused wtf example umbra sword
00026B22 DAClavicusUmbraSword
00027109 DAEbonyBlade
00095A3A MS93Redwave01
00095A39 MS93Redwave05
00095A3B MS93Redwave10
00095A3C MS93Redwave15
00095A3D MS93Redwave20
00095A3E MS93Redwave25
00095A3F MS93Redwave30
00027108 OldDAVolendrung
000CA158 UniqueWeaponKorbansSaber
Removed SI items that where in OMOBS.esp -
00045E47 DurableWeapIronBow
00079C0D forkofhorripilation
0004E038 testAmberHammer1handed
Yep, I think I did make a mistake on those
It is me or are the Stats off on the NDAurosranBattleAxe in Knights_Mobs..Should it not follow iron/steel/silver/dwarven/elven/glass/ebony/daedric stat wise ?
Hmm, I will need to take another look at those...I may have gotten them wrong, as they were one of the very last weapon sets I adjusted!