I'm still a little confused, when you say "save the file" what file are you referring too?
Ignore that comment, I don't think it addresses your problem. I don't know what he's talking about either.
As well when i try to make the FalloutNV.esm the active file the status does not change, then when it is only check off and i click ok a window pops up saying "Assert File C:\projects\fallout3PC\BSMain\MessageHandler.h Line:126" with the options abort, retry and ignore.
You can NEVER make FalloutNV.esm (or ANY master file) the active file. You can checkmark the file and the GECK will run with that file (or whatever masters you have checkmarked) as the master. You ordinarily MUST have a master checkmarked UNLESS you open an .esp file that already has a master as a dependency. A master gets marked as a dependency when the .esp file is created, whatever master(s) is opened when that .esp is created is added to the .esp dependency list.
When i click retry another window comes up saying "Warning File FalloutNV.esm is a higher version than this EXE can load. Context:DEFAULT". Not sure why this is happening
You are using the wrong GECK version. Go to the official http://fallout.gamesas.com/eng/downloads/geck.html webpage and get the GECK version for
New Vegas listed there.