» Sat Nov 28, 2009 9:20 am
These are great ideas, and I'm going to have to try some of these out!
But, I'm on the fence here... I understand, from an RP standpoint, the need not to "twink" your character too much. If your character really didn't know what you knew, and came across an uber item.. he'd use it! But, because we are familiar with the game, and know where to find some items, or how to "work the system" as it were, we have to make a conscious effort NOT to do it every time. I do think it's a matter of preference though, and especially if you've played through the game a lot you may want that much more to NOT do these things. But there's always the "difficulty slider" for those who think the game is too easy as is (even without all the CE items). I for one do NOT find it too easy, but I am on my first play through and only level 20. Also, isn't there a mod out there that moves all of the "uber" items around so they are not in the same place? I can't recall what it is called, or if it does it randomly or not, but that would at least help. And then, when you do find an item like that again (in an unexpected place), there should be no shame in taking it and using it.