"Achievements" just "free candy"?

Post » Tue May 08, 2012 7:13 am

Some of the achievements in this game seems to really be meant for achievement collectors and not for actual milestones. I'm not talking about ones such as quests, I mean numbers ones. Such as all the combat ones. Deal 10,000 damage with things that go boom, bullets, lazar b33ms, fists or melee weapons. And healing 10,000 points with drugs or food. 10,000? What is that? Any fool can get 10,000 on a playthrough without even dedicating points into the skill. I got the one for unarmed and melee and explosives on my guns character, and he hasn't even reached level 20! (I only got melee because of OWB). I wish the achievements were 100,000. Not because I want to make people's lives miserable to those who want it, but when you get it you should be proud. If you get the one for unarmed, it shows you do like unarmed.

I take the word achievement literally, so...

Your opinions?

But are you talking about achievements or challenge perks?

I agree that achievements are only for bragging how good the player are, but the challenge perks are usefull for creating your build and you actually have to earn them, is not something given freely.
Also, is very easy saying that you got the melee hacker challenge perk, but you needed New Vegas, Dead Money, Honest Hearts and Old World Blues for being able to do it.

Try playing only New Vegas without the DLCs and getting the Beautifull Beatdown and Melee Hacker perks.
This is not something easy to do.
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Naazhe Perezz
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 7:44 am

Most 'achievements', in this and ALL video games, are just little gold stars you get for showing up in class and being a good boy/girl on a regular basis. Random meaningless 'self esteem' stuff for the kindergarten crowd. Other than that, they have no point whatsoever. Except to give OCD's something to do between bouts of straightening out the shoes in their closets.
Most people who talk like this are typically avant-poseur wannabe-elitists who are compensating for something in life.
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