When do you think they will have the tech to scale to 50%? I'm guessing 6-8 yrs.
If you want to get technical, they could scale up the size of a game like skyrim now, but there would have to be sacrifices to detail. For example, the cities in GTA, Assassin's creed, and others are massive, but have few if any enterable buildings, lack unique characters in the environment, and NPC's don't have full blown inventories or other elements of the player character. Beth pretty much can't scale up it's games too much with it's current design methodology, because it requires the design of far too many unique areas, npc's, and interiors, and with only limited engagement with random generation tech during the development stage. (and that's not even considering the tech problems of scaling things up with their current engine) To scale things up, bethesda either needs to inject work saving methods into it's design process (random generation of large cities or areas during the design phase) or cut down on work with interiors and other areas. (no interior halves the workload when adding any building)