His heir was later on prevented from taking office and instead was made king of Shornhelm in High Rock.
I was wondering however, is there any information about this family and the things that happened in Shornhelm since that date? I can't seem to find anything on TIL or UESP. It seems to me like these people would have a "natural" claim for the throne after the death of the Martin Septim, but nothing to suggest that they ever tried to take it. It would also seem to me, that because they claim to be descendants from the Septim family that the banning of Talos worship would be rather annoying to them, yet no mention of that either.
I can't really find much information about Shornhelm either, so I have no idea if it's a rich or poor place, small or large the lands surrounding it.
Searching for this information however I did start to wonder why High Rock is so peaceful to Titus Mede and his rule. I find this rather odd as well considering their history, so I was wondering if anybody out here could give me any more information about Shornhelm and the Lariat family in particulair or just more general information about the state of High Rock at this time.
Thanks in advance