The modular trees replacer!
This mod was designed for Spiffyman's "Ashland Overhaul", and will be added to his mod
later, but for now it's a modular plugin for everyone to use!
this mod makes the tree's in the Ashlands, Red Mountain and the Molag Amur regions
use their own trees, creating more varied regions
and more possiblities for other mods
included in this mod is:
wolli's (me) ashland trees, for the Molag Amur Region
vurt's bloated tree's for the Red Mountain Region (tweeked abit to remove the spider webs)
Vurt's Bleak ashlands trees for the Ashlands Region.
so credit to vurt for his trees!
how to use the "modular" side to this plugin;
each regions tree's are named either:
mlg_tree_01 to 07
rm_tree_01 to 07
ash_tree_01 to 07
and placed in your "wl" folder. To install another tree replacer* , simply rename the tree meshes
by copying one of the above names, and entering whatever number from 1-7 you want,
and then place it in the "WL" folder. simple.
*(or if you've made one, which you can learn most of how to do here:
note: i may of missed a few tree's so please tell me! also, i actidently replaced all
the flora_ashtees_04 with both mlg_tree_04 AND 03 by accident, so there's no 03 trees
in the molag, i'm so sorry, i made a mistake, but you can't really tell unless you
check in the CS first...
. if anyone can fix it please tell me!,
This mod was designed for Spiffyman's "Ashland Overhaul", and will be added to his mod
later, but for now it's a modular plugin for everyone to use!
this mod makes the tree's in the Ashlands, Red Mountain and the Molag Amur regions
use their own trees, creating more varied regions
and more possiblities for other mods

included in this mod is:
wolli's (me) ashland trees, for the Molag Amur Region
vurt's bloated tree's for the Red Mountain Region (tweeked abit to remove the spider webs)
Vurt's Bleak ashlands trees for the Ashlands Region.
so credit to vurt for his trees!
how to use the "modular" side to this plugin;
each regions tree's are named either:
mlg_tree_01 to 07
rm_tree_01 to 07
ash_tree_01 to 07
and placed in your "wl" folder. To install another tree replacer* , simply rename the tree meshes
by copying one of the above names, and entering whatever number from 1-7 you want,
and then place it in the "WL" folder. simple.
*(or if you've made one, which you can learn most of how to do here:
note: i may of missed a few tree's so please tell me! also, i actidently replaced all
the flora_ashtees_04 with both mlg_tree_04 AND 03 by accident, so there's no 03 trees
in the molag, i'm so sorry, i made a mistake, but you can't really tell unless you
check in the CS first...

not gonna release this on PES or Tesnexus, because i'ts like.. "the first half" of spiffyman's ashland's overhaul, so it's just gonna be release here, not "publicly". if that makes sense.